Reimagining the iSchool Capstone Archive

Reshaping the current state of the iSchool Capstone archive to fully showcase the excellent work from students, and the excellent reputation of the department and its industry partners.

Sponsored By:
The University of Washington iSchool
Hand-off to Sponsor

The Challenge

Redesign a stagnant capstone experience that fails to facilitate connections with industry partners and showcase students’ work beautifully.

The Outcome

A clean navigation, which allows users to excitingly explore projects, and an individual project page that gives a lot of flexibility in displaying content.

The Impact

Audiences and potential sponsors are able to find projects, and students are able to show projects in a richer way, which inherently improves the reputation of the iSchool by making the website accessible and more useful.

Key Features

Capstone Submission Form

Individual Project Page

Customizable sections: different templates for teams to choose how to fill out information based on their project

Individual Project Page

Separated tagging system for topics and technologies used

"Challenge", "Outcome", and "Impact" sections to inform users about a project quickly and holistically

Individual Project Page

Homepage Browsing

Individual Project Page

Our home page intentionally presents different browsing options to the user in a way that makes the page more fluid in how the user searches through projects. It displays project cards in an assortment of relevant topics of to give users a sufficient starting point when browsing.

Rotating banner to display a variety of important information pertinent to the capstone program such as current iSchool partnerships, how to sponsor projects, award winning projects, etc.

Presentation Video

Meet Team OATS(On All Tracks!)

Sonali's beautiful face

Sonali Chandra


Project Manager

Shareen :/

Shareen Chang


UX/UI Designer


Michael Doyle



Erin *3*

Erin Rochfort

